Bald Eagle adult along Merrimack in Lawrence!

January 8, 2015 in Bald Eagle

What a nice surprise to see a Bald Eagle back at one of the favorite deep winter perch locations along the Merrimack in Lawrence.  Over the past few winters, the Bald Eagles have waited until the coldest weather to perch on trees overhanging the Merrimack on the north side of the river opposite Salvatore’s Restaurant.  This morning, an adult Bald Eagle was perched just above a large pack of Canada Geese at the mouth of the Spicket River where it enters the Merrimack River.  After a while, it departed and nestled into a perch right around the corner.

Bald Eagle adult with transmitter and antenna!

January 7, 2015 in Bald Eagle

While navigating the very cold weather on Wednesday morning, had a nice opportunity to make a quick check for Bald Eagles along the Merrimack.  Bumped into Doug Fernandes, a UMASS Lowell student preparing to graduate.  Doug made numerous trips to Lawrence last winter and captured a number of terrific photos of Bald Eagles including a handful of keepers of an adult Bald Eagle with a transmitter and antenna on its back.  We had an unexpected surprise while watching an adult perched on the North Andover side of the river.  It launched into flight headed a short distance to the west, circled back and landed on the opposite of the river in Lawrence near the ball field.  After circling, we had a few moments for photos, even with eagle at quite a distance.  Later, the photos indicated a transmitter and antenna.  NICE!  Hope to capture more photos later with leg band numbers so that we might learn more about this Bald Eagle!  A few more photos posted:  Click “next” upper right to advance!

Bald Eagle pair perched overlooking Merrimack!

December 12, 2014 in Bald Eagle

What a treat to find a pair of adult bald eagles perched close together overlooking the Merrimack River just east of Rt.495 in Lawrence.  They were perched on an overhang about 70 feet above water level.  This is a very regular perch location, but recently only with single adult eagle sightings.  The skies were heavy overcast with light rain, fog, and mist.  Visibility was under 4 miles and winds were light out of the north at about 6-8 miles per hour.  The vantage point was from the ball field located off of Incinerator Road next to the Essex County correctional facility.


Bald Eagle adult

October 7, 2014 in Bald Eagle

The wintering bald eagles have returned with initial sightings the last week in September along the Merrimack River in Lawrence near the North Andover border.  This was a busy location last year.  Over past two weeks, both adults and sub adults have been seen with regularity.  This image was captured on a cloudy morning and is being used to document these early off season sightings.  The winter show begins!

Bald Eagle: subadult

March 12, 2014 in Bald Eagle

While watching gulls and crows peck away at a dead carp on the ice in front of the Bashara Boathouse on the Merrimack River in Lawrence this morning, noticed a likely Bald Eagle flying eastbound from Rt. 93 direction.  Reached for camera and lost sight of the eagle.  All of a sudden it was almost right overhead.  It circled the carp feeding frenzy and then lumbered down river towards the dam in Lawrence.  A few minutes later, headed to the dam and crossed over to north side for a look back at trees and ice.  Sure enough, a subadult was on the ice just west of the dam and on the south side of the river.  It was feeding on some unknown delight.  A further scan showed a second subadult nearby.  The played a bit in aerial flight near shore and then one of them flew west and the other remained near the dam.  Nice treat on the way to work!

Bald Eagles on the Merrimack

February 26, 2014 in Bald Eagle

Made a productive roadtrip to Amesbury this morning looking for Bald Eagles mentioned in a Massbird post early in the month by Massbirder, and Amesbury resident, Kirk Elwell.  Found two adults in a tall pine tree just back from Main St. along the river.  A bit later one flew off and landed in a pine tree perch farther down river just east of Lowell’s Boat Shop.  Although overcast and dark lighting…nice views of these beauties!

Bald Eagle, adult

February 24, 2014 in Bald Eagle

While making a brief morning check along the Merrimack River, an adult Bald Eagle slowly flew upriver towards the Rt. 495 overpass on the Lawrence/North Andover line.  The eagle made a few large gentle loops and then headed off in a SW direction.  made every effort possible to capture underbody images to record the leg band but the lighting was not enough to make any certain leg band identification!

Bald Eagle, adult with antenna

February 13, 2014 in Bald Eagle

In the middle of a heavy snow day, accidentally discovered this adult perched on the north side of the Merrimack River.  To my surprise, just a short distance away, another adult was also perched.  It was difficult to capture a sharp image due to lots of small branches in the way along with heavy snowflakes that can impact the autofocus function.  It was also dark lighting conditions in the midst of the snowstorm!  What a treat to upload the photos and observe the GPS transmitter antenna on the back of this Eagle!!  No leg bands, which would allow for positive identification.

Bald Eagle, adult

February 12, 2014 in Bald Eagle

Another sunny morning visit along the Merrimack River on the North Andover side to look at one of the adults perched on an overhang!

Bald Eagle, adult & subadult

January 29, 2014 in Bald Eagle

During an unscheduled afternoon run out for a local errand, had a nice chance to observe a pair of Bald Eagles perched in a tree overlooking the Merrimack River in Lawrence just behind the ballfields located on Incinerator Rd. in Lawrence!