3 Bald Eagles: Merrimack River, Lawrence

December 5, 2017 in Bald Eagle

_W7I1194-001Two adult Bald Eagles perched along Merrimack River, 125 yards apart, and then a third adult flies in from the west, loops a number of times and lands on a proximate perch, while one of other eagles takes off downriver; quite a nice show!  The number of wintering Bald Eagles along the Merrimack continues to grow as the weather gets colder.


Bald Eagle juveniles on the Merrimack River

August 9, 2017 in Bald Eagle

_W7I4052-001The 3 fledgling Bald Eagles continue to be seen along the Merrimack River in Essex County.  They remain fairly close to the general nest site location and seem to maintain a lessening dependence on the parents for food.  After fledging, they were very vocal and begging for food.  The incessant cries for food have diminished as they continue to develop flight skills and began finding food on their own.  Observed this fledgling, circling over the river in bright morning sun! Another fledgling was nearby along with one adult.

Bald Eagles around nest

March 30, 2017 in Bald Eagle

_W7I9698-001Made an morning visit to Bald Eagle nest and observed both male and female both perched and in flight around the nest while sitting and watching from a distance under clear skies, bright sun, light winds from NW and temps in mid-thirties.  Both adult Eagles were seen with leg bands but unable to make any positive ID on the leg band codes during this visit!

Bald Eagle: Merrimack River, Essex County

March 6, 2016 in Bald Eagle

CF2C2039-001It is always amazing to look up and see a majestic Bald Eagle gliding effortlessly through the air.  What a treat to see this adult Bald Eagle gliding over the Merrimack River in Essex County in the late afternoon sun!

Bald Eagle in flight: Essex County

February 26, 2016 in Bald Eagle

CF2C0442-001What a delight to observe a Bald Eagle in flight over the Merrimack River in Essex County in the late afternoon with cobalt blue skies and lingering late day sunlight!

Bald Eagle nest 2016: Essex County!

February 11, 2016 in Bald Eagle

CF2C8875-001Made a pass by the Bald Eagle nest near the Merrimack River in western Essex County this morning.  The winds were out of the west at 12 MPH with gusts up to almost 20 MPH.  The temp was 24 degrees with wind chill making it feel around 11 degrees.  Noticed an adult approaching and then landing at the nest.  Another adult was already perched on the outside ridge of the nest in a large pine tree.  The approaching adult dropped off prey for other eagle and then took off in flight.  This is a nesting pair that has been at this nest location for past bunch of years.  Was just able to get a number of images that provided positive ID of the left leg gold band.  This band was placed on the bird just before it fledged.  This eagle was banded in June 2006 at North Watuppa Pond near Fall River!

4 photos: http://www.pbase.com/birdshots/image/162581657

Bald Eagle in flight!

February 4, 2015 in Bald Eagle

For those with an interest, 4 photos from cloudy morning last week of an adult bald eagle in flight over the Merrimack River in Lawrence, MA.  The winter 2015 bald eagle show continues!!!!
Link to 4 photos:  http://www.pbase.com/birdshots/image/159093383   Click “Next” in upper right to advance frames!

Bald Eagle, subadult: leg bands P/7 (2.5 yr. old)

January 21, 2015 in Bald Eagle

With just a few minutes to check for Bald Eagles on the Merrimack River, made the rounds to tall the normal perches with no luck.  The final stop was looking west out over the Great Stone Dam.  from the north side of the river, scanned the ice and nearby overhanging tree limbs.  From a distance of just under 500 yards away, looked like a possible subadult eagle in a tree along the south side of the river, west of the dam.  Sure enough, it was a subadult.  The bird lifted off before I arrived from the initial vantage point.  It flew out onto the ice in the middle of the river.  The crows quickly initiated multiple rounds of  relentless harrassment.  As the eagle took off, it left behind some type of a pink wishbone snack remain.  It landed again on the south side berm which was about 100 yards from my new vantage point.  This new location provide nice looks and better opportunity to make positive ID of orange P/7 leg bands.  We have seen this bird a number of times nearby over last week!

Bald Eagle adult: transmitter & antenna AGAIN!!

January 12, 2015 in Bald Eagle

While making rounds along the Merrimack River this morning, encountered an adult Bald Eagle just east of Rt. 495 perched in regular location.  Then, made a pass over the bridge by the dam in Lawrence and spotted another adult Bald Eagle on the south side of the river just west of the dam. It was perched on an overhanging branch scanning waterfowl below.  Was able to draw near and watch Eagle being subjected to crow harassment.  Although dark overcast with light drizzle, was able to capture a few nice images, including views of transmitter/antenna.  The leg band looked dark brown with no visible marking on the brownish band. Hope to get leg band numbers soon!

Bald Eagle, first year, over Merrimack in Lawrence!

January 9, 2015 in Bald Eagle

What a nice surprise while scanning for Bald Eagles this afternoon with a staffer and fellow bird photographer from NXStage Medical Inc., to encounter a young first year bird flying west from the direction of the Lawrence Municipal Airport.  We were standing outside in the wind and cold comparing notes when we both noticed a likely eagle in the distance.  The eagle was lazily moving west and following the path of the river below.  The light was beautiful and we were so thankful!

A few more photos:   http://www.pbase.com/birdshots/image/158758027    Click “next” in upper right to advance frames!