Great Cormorant takes on an oversized Carp

January 29, 2013 in Nearby Waterbirds

The Great Cormorant is common winter resident along our coast and inland waterways.  They can frequently be seen diving in the Merrimack River and often times make outsanding catches such as this oversized carp.  The Great Carp is a fishing specialist and relies on superb underwater  vision to detect nearby schooling fish beneath the water’s surface!  Quite a show watching the cormorant juggle the fish into the right position until ready to go down the hatch!

Adult Bald Eagles

January 29, 2013 in Nearby Landbirds

Just when you think you have keen eyesight for birds, especially large ones like a Bald Eagle, you learn yet another lesson form the birding world.  Made a sweep of the Merrimack River for eagles among snow covered branches.  Almost ready to move on when a white head caught my attention.  Had a nice look at a solo adult Bald Adult just hanging out over looking the river.  No idea that another adult Bald Eagle was just behind the first and camoflaged among the branches.  Take a look at 3 photos in a series that shows off the second Adult once I moved my position!

3 photos posted:



Bald Eagle subadult and second year bird!

January 28, 2013 in Nearby Landbirds

While checking for Eagles along the Merrimack this morning, found not just thiad adult, but on closer inspection, discovered subadult as well!  Both perched on a branch overhanging the river!  the adult looking bird is almost a full adult and the brown eagle is a second year bird.

Peregrine Falcons atop Verizon Tower

January 23, 2013 in Verizon Cell Tower

The Peregrine Falcon pair have regularly made the top of the Verizon cell tower a favorite perch during the late winter months.  They have been seen here in December through the middle of February.  It’s almost like their winter cottage away from home.  Sometimes they just loaf and other times feathers are flying from a fresh catch!

Red-tailed Hawk

January 22, 2013 in Nearby Landbirds

While crossing the newly re-opened Duck Bridge and heading north, looked over towards one of the old abandoned mill buildings behind Pemberton Mill and noticed a hawk in one of the window sills.  Turns out to be the Red-tailed Hawk that has been seen in this general area quite a bit over last few months.  It was quietly perched and seemed almost stranded and unable to move although it appeared quite healthy!

Bald Eagle in Haverhill along Merrimack

January 18, 2013 in Nearby Landbirds

What an unexpected treat to find this sub-adult IV Bald Eagle along the Merrimack in Haverhill.  After a nearby meeting, took a ride from Methuen along Merrimack into Haverhill and spotted this near adult perched and facing into the afternoon sun on a blue sky day.  Noticed a bit of brown wash near the tip of the tail indicating this was not yet a full blown adult but very close!

Peregrine Falcon

January 17, 2013 in Near the Clock Tower

This Peregrine was perched on the north (back) side of the Monarch Loft Apartments overlooking the Merrimack River.  There is a short steel beam that protrudes from the roof and this can be one of the Peregrine perch locations.  This image is facing west with the bright morning sun over my left rear shoulder.  The other Peregrine was not seen.

Common Redpoll

January 17, 2013 in Near the Clock Tower

Common Redpolls have appeared all over the Merrimack Valley this winter.  Lawrence is no exception as these beautiful Redpolls show.  A pack of 15 were observed along the Merrimack behind the Monarch Apartment building on Merrimack St. just east of the newly re-opened Duck Bridge.  They put on quie a show in the snow banks!

More photos posted:


More Bald Eagle action: second year bird

January 7, 2013 in Nearby Landbirds

The weather continues to stay cold enough that the ice in building uo just a bit on the Merrimack River.  While driving in this Monday morning to start the week, something caught my eye flying to the east just over trees along the Merrimack.  Proceeded to view from many different vantage points and best I could find was a Red-tailed Hawk.  Had a feeling that I was missing something! Kept scanning in the trees hoping that my sense of a larger and darker bird (possible a juvenile or young adult eagle might be around).  Finally located this young second year eagle in deeper vegetation.  It was farther in the branches and tougher to find.  Photos were a challenge due to distance, blacoking branches and then challenging sunlight angles.  Anyways, this photo and a few others help to document this younger eagle and inspires further possible sightings in the area!  A few more photos posted:  Click “next” in upper right to advance frames….enjoy!

Bald Eagle to start the new year!

January 2, 2013 in Nearby Landbirds

On a chilly Wednesday morning going back to work in the New Year, stopped by the Merrimack River in Lawrence in search of bald eagles.  No such luck on previous outings, but now the weather was turning colder.  A cold front came through early yesterday afternoon in eastern Massachusetts, which helped create some stronger winds. Temperatures also began to fall, as some colder air from Canada will stay over the Northeast U.S. for the next few days.

To my very pleasant surprise, an adult Bald Eagle was psotted on the north side of the river perched on branch overlooking the Merrimack River.  It remained perched for awhile and then it was time to report for work.  What a wonderful start to the new year in the local birding world!  A few additional photos posted online:  Click “next” in upper right corner to advance frames!   Enjoy!