Bald Eagles perched in North Andover

January 4, 2017 in Bald Eagle

_w7i6422-001Nice looks on cloudy morning at pair of perched Bald Eagles on a branch overlooking the Merrimack River.  They were seen from the Lawrence side of the river from the ball field next to the Essex County pre-release center and were perched on the North Andover side.  No ability to see leg bands, but likely continuing pair of local eagles!

Bald Eagles: Merrimack River

December 27, 2016 in Bald Eagle

_w7i5775-001Went looking for Bald Eagles along the Merrimack River this morning and was delighted to observe a pair of adult eagles perched on a branch overlooking the river.  The vantage point was from the ball field adjacent to the Essex County pre-release center (aka the Farm) in Lawrence.  The eagles were quite a distance away.  The eagle on the left saw busy with rubbing its bill from side to side on the branch, likely cleaning up after a meal.  The other eagle was nearby.  The eagle on the right appears to have black left leg band!

The other eagle, on the left, seems to have an orange gold colored left leg band with the #4 visible.


Bald Eagle adult pair: Merrimack River

November 30, 2016 in Bald Eagle

_w7i9216-001From a distance, nice looks at an adult pair of Bald Eagles this morning perched together overlooking the Merrimack River in North Andover. The eagle on the left has both a silver federal leg band and a possible orange state leg band, but too distant for any positive ID of leg bands.

Eagles seen from elevated ball field next to Essex County Correctional Center, more
commonly known to locals as, The Farm, as it is a pre-release center.

Overcast skies with light rain starting, calm wind conditions, and temps in mid-forties.

Bald Eagle: Merrimack River, No. Andover

October 4, 2016 in Bald Eagle

_w7i6842-001The Bald Eagles have returned again this fall to favorite perch locations along the Merrimack River along the Lawrence and North Andover line.  At least one Bald Eagle is usually seen in the morning hours quietly perching on a snag overhanging the river bed below.  The Eagle will keep a close eye on all passing activities.  Had nice looks this morning from the ball field by the Essex County Correctional Center in Lawrence.  The skies were heavily overcast with winds from the north at 9-10 MPH and temps in the high 50’s.  The Eagle remained perched during observation.


Bald Eagle pair: North Andover

December 17, 2015 in Bald Eagle

CF2C9973-001Bald Eagles continue to be seen along the Merrimack River on the North Andover and Lawrence shorelines.  With some frequency, this pair is seen together perched on a limb about 60 feet over the river.  They seem very content and typically perch on the same limb in close proximity to one another!

Bald Eagle – Merrimack River

December 2, 2015 in Bald Eagle

CF2C8681-001The Bald Eagles continue to be seen with regularity perched along the Merrimack River on the North Andover side of the river just east of Rt. 495. Here is a single eagle on an overcast morning.

Bald Eagles – mating pair?

December 1, 2015 in Bald Eagle

CF2C8638-001There continues to be speculation that a pair of Bald Eagles may be nesting in the area just east of Rt. 495 along the Merrimack River.  One of the biggest challenges is to locate a new nest location! Stay tuned for further updates!

Bald Eagle – Merrimack River

November 30, 2015 in Bald Eagle

CF2C8614-001The Bald Eagle sightings continue along the Merrimack River!

Bald Eagle pair: North Andover

November 24, 2015 in Bald Eagle

CF2C8342-001This Bald Eagle pair is now seen with regularity along the Merrimack River.  A favorite perch location is on a snag that overhangs the river about 60 feet above water level.  The pair is seen often together on the same branch.  There remains a strong feeling that a yet to be identified nest is proximate to this location…..stay tuned!

Bald Eagles, adult pair

September 21, 2015 in Bald Eagle

What a nice surprise to find a pair of perched adult Bald Eagles overlooking the Merrimack River in North Andover!  These local Eagles return to this perch location each year around the end of September.  They are then seen off and on for the balance of the fall until the weather turns colder.  The great mystery is whether or not this is a local breeding pair with a next proximate to the perch location…..stay tuned!