New Balance Falcon Cam

The New Balance Falcon Cam has been upgraded to better service for public access.  New Balance deserves great credit for providing open access for all. We are also fortunate to have a growing number of other falcon cams around the country.  These cam providers are pleased to invite viewers to visit their falcon cams and they openly identify the exact location of the cams.  This is done to promote greater public awareness and to expand the circle of viewers as well as citizen scientists to serve as observers and monitors.  The links to falcon cams are listed below.  Enjoy and invite others for a look!!

Lawrence, MA:

Boston Custom House Tower: 

Manchester, NH:

UMass Lowell:

UMass Ahmerst:


Rochester, NY:

Harrisburg PA:

Baltimore Falcon Cam:

Evanston Public Library:

Boise Idaho:

Jersey City:

South Bend Indiana:

Wilmington DE:

Providence RI:

2 thoughts on “New Balance Falcon Cam

  1. Melissa Brooks says:

    WOW! Happy beyond words that I discovered this web cam. What a treat this will be to share in the process from eggs to (hopefully!) fledging! Thank you to those responsible for broadcasting this beautiful bird.

  2. John Swyers says:

    Thanks to all involved with this delightful project.

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