Peregrine adult: male taking off!
September 20, 2012 in Near the Clock Tower
While heading north on South Union St. and approaching the lights at Merrimack St., noticed a probable adult Peregrine perched on the NE corner of the New balance building. It was at the peak of one of the triangular pediments. Pulled into the store/employee parking lot for a better look. the lighting was terrific but becoming more overhead just past 9:30 AM. The peregrine bolted from its perch in a tuck to gain speed. It headed SE towards the ground on the north side of the Monarch Lofts apartment building. Moments later it retunred to the NB roof. All in all, fun to watch the takeoff and speed tuck! Sequence of photos provides ability to make positive ID on the 6*/4* black over green leg bands on left ankle! Photos posted online at: Click “next” in upper right corner to advance frames!