Lawrence Peregrines: adult male, leg bands 6/4

August 29, 2017 in In the Nest Box

_W7I4814-001Under mostly cloudy skies, little wind, and temp around 60F, stopped by the Ayer Mill Clock Tower for a look at the Peregrine Falcons.  The adult male, with black/green leg bands, was perched on the outside edge of the next box.  Both individuals of a breeding pair may remain near the nesting site after breeding season.  They tend to be more solitary in their behavior, but such pair behavior may be highly variable.  In this location, prey is always available with an abundance of pigeons, mourning doves, and bluebirds.

The Ayer Mill Clock Tower rises above the restored mill building on South Union Street in Lawrence.  The mill building is owned and operated by the New Balance company, the Boston based global athletic company.  The tower is 267 feet tall at its peak.

New Balance is a significant contributor to the upkeep of the Clock Tower!

Lawrence Peregrines: adult male on upper ledge

August 28, 2017 in On the Clock Tower

_W7I4799-001Made a short visit to the Clock Tower with little to see upon arrival.  A few passing gulls and Double-crested Cormorants in flight over the Merrimack River.  Then a bolt of speed came in from the NW with a definitive flight pattern that could only belong to a peregrine.  Sure enough, the adult male arrived and with legs outstretched, landed on an upper ledge, above the west clock face, and in the shade.

Peregrine Falcon: Woburn adult male

August 28, 2017 in Peregrine Falcon Woburn, Peregrine Falcons Eastern Massachusetts, Peregrine Falcons Massachusetts

_W7I4790-001Monday morning visit to quarry with sighting of perched adult male nestled on a ledge, in the shade, with no activity.  As always, many pigeons in flight nearby, but no other birds or hawks that might  have prompted falcon into flight.  Mostly sunny conditions with little wind and temps in low 60’s.

2 Bald Eagle adults and 1 fledgling!

August 15, 2017 in Bald Eagle

_W7I4213-001Had a nice chance to observe two adult Bald Eagles and a fledgling this morning, along the Merrimack River in Essex County. The fledgling leaped up into flight from rocks along the river bed. It then hopped from one perch to another and then remained in place for a while under overcast skies, light rain, winds from SW at 5MPH, high humidity, and temp just above 70F.

After leaving the nest, fledgling Bald Eagles are not very adept at catching fish. They pick up dead fish along shorelines first, and then progress to picking up dead fish floating in rivers and lakes. It may take months for a young fledgling to start catching its own live fish, and much longer for it to become reliable at fishing. So young eagles must spend more time fishing to catch the same number of fish as adults. For these fledglings, the first months in flight are a time of enormous learning and exploring the world around them.

This fledgling was one of 3 eaglets that hatched and fledged early in the second week of July.  So this young Eagle has had about 5 weeks on the wing and will become less dependent on parents for food in weeks ahead.

Two Peregrine adults and one fledgling at Clock Tower

August 14, 2017 in On the Clock Tower

_W7I4114-001The 2017 hatch year fledglings made first flight almost 8 weeks ago.  Three of the fledglings have been seen regularly around the Clock Tower.  The first fledgling left and has not been seen since fledging.  At this stage of growth, parents provide two important things to the young falcons: predator protection as well as food supply.  Here, the adult female remains on guard for any predator threats.



_W7I4144-001The protection continues, but the food supply, as provided by the parents, begins to dwindle as they improve their ability to chase and capture prey.  The falcon experts suggest that most young peregrine falcons disperse on their own once they have become proficient at killing on their own.  This young peregrine may be the only one left around the natal site!

Bald Eagle juveniles on the Merrimack River

August 9, 2017 in Bald Eagle

_W7I4052-001The 3 fledgling Bald Eagles continue to be seen along the Merrimack River in Essex County.  They remain fairly close to the general nest site location and seem to maintain a lessening dependence on the parents for food.  After fledging, they were very vocal and begging for food.  The incessant cries for food have diminished as they continue to develop flight skills and began finding food on their own.  Observed this fledgling, circling over the river in bright morning sun! Another fledgling was nearby along with one adult.

2017 Fledgling Peregrine Falcon

August 7, 2017 in On the Clock Tower

_W7I3938-001As the weeks move by, three of the four young peregrines that fledged this year continue to be seen around the Clock Tower and other nearby perch locations.  They remain somewhat dependent on parents for food and protection.  This was a late afternoon visit with one of the fledglings perched on the west side of the tower on an upper ledge just above the clock face.  No luck on being able to catch the leg bands for a positive ID!

Peregrine Falcon fledgling: Verizon Tower!

August 7, 2017 in Verizon Cell Tower

_W7I3895-001While scanning for Peregrine Falcons from near the Clock Tower mid-morning, saw a perched bird on the Verizon Cell Tower on Hampshire Street and made way over for a better look.  It was cloudy and overcast, but was able to get nice looks at one of the fledglings. It had a color-coded leg band but was unable to make out the alphanumeric code.  The fledglings usually find their way over to the Cell Tower after fledging for visits from time to time!

Peregrine Falcon: Woburn adult male

August 7, 2017 in Peregrine Falcon Woburn, Peregrine Falcons Eastern Massachusetts, Peregrine Falcons Massachusetts

_W7I3824-001During a short brief visit to the Woburn Peregrines this morning, discovered the male well hidden behind one of the rocky outcroppings. On some visits, it takes some added time to find one of the adults as they tend to blend in so well with little movement!  Here he was just barely visible!

Peregrine Falcon: Woburn female

August 3, 2017 in Peregrine Falcon Woburn, Peregrine Falcons Eastern Massachusetts, Peregrine Falcons Massachusetts

_W7I3796-001A nice mid-afternoon visit to the Woburn Peregrines with nice looks at the female in the midst of a right leg stretch!  The sun had ducked behind the west quarry wall but the overall lighting was till fairly good.  she was perched on one of her favorite tree branch perch locations with no other activity going on in the general area.  She appears to have a full crop after a likely recent meal.