Bald Eagle adult with transmitter and antenna!

January 7, 2015 in Bald Eagle

While navigating the very cold weather on Wednesday morning, had a nice opportunity to make a quick check for Bald Eagles along the Merrimack.  Bumped into Doug Fernandes, a UMASS Lowell student preparing to graduate.  Doug made numerous trips to Lawrence last winter and captured a number of terrific photos of Bald Eagles including a handful of keepers of an adult Bald Eagle with a transmitter and antenna on its back.  We had an unexpected surprise while watching an adult perched on the North Andover side of the river.  It launched into flight headed a short distance to the west, circled back and landed on the opposite of the river in Lawrence near the ball field.  After circling, we had a few moments for photos, even with eagle at quite a distance.  Later, the photos indicated a transmitter and antenna.  NICE!  Hope to capture more photos later with leg band numbers so that we might learn more about this Bald Eagle!  A few more photos posted:  Click “next” upper right to advance!

Bald Eagle adults in flight!

October 27, 2014 in Bald Eagle

The pair of adult Bald Eagles continue to be seen along the Merrimack River just west of Rt. 495 between Lawrence and North Andover.  They are normally seen in the mornings more so than in the afternoons at this time of year.  This morning, they departed their perch and proceeded with a number of lazy aerial loops before heading downriver to the east!  A joy to watch them in flight!!

Bald Eagle in flight heading east!

October 21, 2014 in Bald Eagle

A bit later  in the morning, had a nice chance to view this eagle in flight heading east after passing the Rt. 495 overpass.  My vantage point was from the Lawrence side of the river near the ballpark next to the county correctional facility.  An orange leg band is able to be seen on the left leg, but it is not clear enough to noe to leg band numbers.  Hopefully, next time around!!