Bald Eagles and a Goldeneye!
February 9, 2012 in Nearby Landbirds, Nearby Waterbirds
This Bald Eagle was a wonderful surprise one morning while turning left onto Canal Street from Marston Street. Noticed this beauty perhced on a high branch overlooking the Spickett River. Went to the parking lot at 25 Marston Street as it flew low and overhead in beautiful morning light. It flew off over the river towards the east. Just a momentary treat but a terrific way to start the day!
A few days earlier, likely the same Eagle was spotted from the south side of the river as it perched on an treetop branch overhanging the Merrimack River. The Eagle kicked into flight mode in a big wide turn and headed up the Spickett River!
Just down the river on the south side and to the east of the Rt. 495 bridge a number of lingering winter ducks were chasing each other. Here a Common Goldeneye is lifting off to fly away. These are beautiful diving ducks that have been on the river for the past few months along with Buffleheads and other winter ducks. The Goldeneye has a striking yellow eye and distinctive white patches on its cheek.
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This is cool!