Red-tailed Hawk – Den Rock Park

December 7, 2017 in Red-tailed Hawk

_W7I1722-001Under bright sun and clear skies with west wind just under 10 MPH and temps in low 40’s, spotted this young Red-tailed Hawk on a perch scanning for prey at Den Rock Park. According to Birds of North America online, Red-tailed hawks feed on a wide variety of prey, using their powerful claws as weapons. Eighty to eighty-five percent of their diet consists of small rodents. Mammals as large as eastern cottontail rabbits may also taken. Reptiles and other birds make up the rest of the diet. Male red-winged blackbirds are common prey because they are so visible when guarding their nests. Red-tailed hawks do most of their hunting from a perch. They are not known to store food. 

Red-tailed Hawk: Lawrence

April 11, 2017 in Red-tailed Hawk

_W7I4227-001On a beautiful bright sunny morning, had a wonderful opportunity to watch a Red-tailed Hawk glide slowly by with a bit a wing flapping. These hawks are frequent in the Greater Lawrence area and are most often seen around major roadways on light posts and other elevated structures.

Red-tailed hawks are active during the day (diurnal). Red-tailed hawk pairs remain together for years in the same territory. These birds are very territorial, and defend territories that range in size from about 1/2 mile to 2.5 square kilometers. The territory size depends on the amount of food, perches, and nest sites in the area. The female is usually the more aggressive partner around the nest itself, whereas the male more aggressively defends the territory boundaries. The birds will soar over their territory, mostly on clear days, looking for intruders.

Red-tailed Hawk: Lawrence

January 28, 2016 in Red-tailed Hawk

CF2C5812-001Noticed a number of Blue Jays pestering a larger bird that landed in a tree along the Merrimack River in Lawrence.  Upon drawing closer, discovered it was a Red-tailed Hawk!