Woburn: Juvenile Cooper’s Hawk

August 22, 2016 in Nearby Landbirds

_W7I1047-001After pulling in to observe the Woburn Peregrines, had a nice show from three Cooper’s Hawk in an active series of aerial loops and active chase sequences.  The participants included two adult Cooper’s and a juvenile.  The juvenile Cooper’s has yellowish eyes and thin dark breast streaks.  At one point, the unbanded male peregrine falcon asserted his territorial defense with two chase efforts and then was satisfied with no further action!  The juvenile Cooper’s was a beauty to watch and photograph in fading late day low light!


Peregrine Falcon: Woburn – fledgling and juvenile Cooper’s Hawk

July 19, 2016 in Peregrine Falcon Woburn

_W7I5468-001The fledgling bolted from its high elevation rocky perch after the encounter with the Great Egret.  It flew at high speed and then landed on one of the nearby utility wires.  It struggled a bit to maintain balance.  The peregrine fledgling had discovered a juvenile Cooper’s Hawk in a tree.  Young peregrines may protest loudly  with the “cacking” type of vocalization.  According to peregrine fledgling expert, Steve Sherrod, young peregrines appear to have a genetically programmed or instinctive recognition of other birds of prey as potential threats.  Through their own experimenting and encounters, the fledglings learn which predators to avoid, which to attack, and which to ignore.  They vocalized at each other and then both flew off!

3 photos posted:  http://www.pbase.com/birdshots/image/163704749

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