Lawrence Peregrine on Clock Tower!

August 16, 2016 in On the Clock Tower

_W7I0601-001On many mornings during the hot stretches, one of the peregrines is likely found in the shade on the west side of the Clock Tower.  One of the popular perches is on one of the ledges diagonally just above the clock face.  It provides the peregrine with shade, plenty of height, and a nice amount of space to loaf for a while with excellent views to the west and over the Merrimack River!

Lawrence Peregrines: fledgling in the shade

July 26, 2016 in On the Clock Tower

_W7I7045-001In the hot and humid weather, the fledglings have taken to the shadier perch locations around the Clock Tower.  In the morning, under the blazing sun, they tend to favor ovations on the west side of the building.  On many days, it provides a cooler perch and on many days this side provides exposure to SW winds.

Lawrence Peregrine perched fledgling

July 18, 2016 in On the Clock Tower

_W7I5080-001One of the 2016 hatch year fledglings continues to be seen in and around the Clock Tower.  This morning, under bright sunny skies, a fledgling was seen in one of the normal adult perch locations, on a ledge, just above the west face of the Clock Tower. It remained in place for over 20 minutes in an upright posture with both feet down and wings held tight against the body.

Lawrence Peregrines: fledgling perched atop Clock Tower!

July 12, 2016 in On the Clock Tower

_W7I3857-001The Lawrence Peregrine fledglings have been a challenge to find these past few weeks.  They have scattered from the nearby rooftops and overall sightings have been few and far between.  It was a nice treat to located one of the fledglings late this afternoon as it perched on the weathervane atop the Ayer Mill Clock Tower!

Lawrence Peregrines: first to fledge – leg bands 86/BS

June 7, 2016 in On the Clock Tower

CF2C3693-001Finally, the first of the 2016 Lawrence Peregrines has fledged….last night just before sunset.  The other three remain in the nest box and have yet to make first flight as of sundown tonight.  The fledgling was bolding flapping  on the extended wooden perch yesterday afternoon.  After a diligent search both this morning and late this afternoon, the first fledgling was found on ledge just below the nest box and a bit to the east of the nest box. This ledge, like the nest box, is on the west face of the Ayer Mill Clock Tower.  The fledgling was kind enough to provide sufficient looks to make a positive ID of its leg bands, black over green, 86/BS.  Stay tuned on the siblings!

Lawrence Peregrine: male on watch!

March 23, 2016 in On the Clock Tower

CF2C4269-001The Lawrence Peregrines now have a single egg that has been laid.  The first egg was laid late Monday night.  It is expected that 3 more eggs will be laid in the next handful of days!  The male is on watch on a ledge very next the nestbox!

Lawrence Peregrine: male on clock tower!

March 16, 2016 in On the Clock Tower

CF2C3796-001Checked on the Lawrence Peregrines on the way to work and found the male perched on one of the upper ledges above the clock face!

Lawrence Peregrines: male perched rooftop

March 10, 2016 in On the Clock Tower

CF2C2737-001A cloudy overcast morning with spring in the air and warming temperatures!  Both peregrines seen around the clock tower with male making a food exchange with female as part of courtship process….always nice to see both falcons in close proximity!

Lawrence Peregrines: female squawking!

March 8, 2016 in On the Clock Tower

CF2C2699-001Made a late afternoon visit to the Clock Tower to find the unbanded female moving around to a number of perch locations.  She ended up on a lower ledge below the clock face on a NW corner of the tower.  She spent a few minutes squawking in an effort to call the male’s attention!  It’s that time of year!!

Lawrence Peregrines: female

March 6, 2016 in On the Clock Tower

CF2C2323-001Beautiful  late afternoon looks at the unbanded female after a series of solo aerial drills with the male nowhere in sight.  She had been perched on a protruding steel beam at the roof line along the west wing of the New Balance building.  She ended up at the nest box perch rod in golden late day sun!