Wood Ducks at Bashara Boathouse

May 6, 2012 in Nearby Waterbirds

Encountered a pair of Wood Ducks around the Bashara Boathouse on the Merrimack River Monday morning and again later in the week.  They seem to like the back channel on the west side of the boathouse as well as paddling around with the other ducks out by the main docks.  These ducks are exceptionally colorful and quite beautiful.  More photos posted online for those with an interest:



Eagle Tribune article about Herons/Owls at Carter Fields

April 22, 2012 in Nearby Landbirds, Nearby Waterbirds

NORTH ANDOVER — The great blue heron, a slender and elegant water bird with a lavender hue and a long pointed beak, makes its nest in the tops of dead trees in wetlands.  Beavers build their lodges in ponds they have created in wooded areas. Read the rest of this entry →

Great Blue Herons – West Boxford

April 20, 2012 in Nearby Waterbirds

The Great Blue Herons are busy building their nests at the heron rookery located on the North Andover/West Boxford town line.  Currently, there are about 40 nesting pairs of Great Blue Herons with most females already incubating eggs.  They continue to fortify their nests with new branches secured nearby and transported back to the nest.  Most of the massive stick platform nests are in tall, dead, white pine trees that are surrounded by shallow water below.  The herons spend a great deal of time on nest construction or repair from off season damage.  Besides feeding each other, a great deal of time is spent on preening and hanging out.  Great Blue Herons typically produce clutch sizes of four eggs!

More photos posted online at:  http://www.pbase.com/birdshots/image/142785356

Bald Eagles and a Goldeneye!

February 9, 2012 in Nearby Landbirds, Nearby Waterbirds

This Bald Eagle was a wonderful surprise one morning while turning left onto Canal Street from Marston Street.  Noticed this beauty perhced on a high branch overlooking the Spickett River.  Went to the parking lot at 25 Marston Street as it flew low and overhead in beautiful morning light.  It flew off over the river towards the east.  Just a momentary treat but a terrific way to start the day!



A few days earlier, likely the same Eagle was spotted from the south side of the river as it perched on an treetop branch overhanging the Merrimack River.  The Eagle kicked into flight mode in a big wide turn and headed up the Spickett River!




Just down the river on the south side and to the east of the Rt. 495 bridge a number of lingering winter ducks were  chasing each other.  Here  a Common Goldeneye is lifting off to fly away.  These are beautiful diving ducks that have been on the river for the past few months along with Buffleheads and other winter ducks.  The Goldeneye has a striking yellow eye and distinctive white patches on its cheek.


 Click here to access a handful of additional photos!



Mergansers and Belted Kingfisher!

February 5, 2012 in Nearby Waterbirds

This Common merganser is a regular visitor on the Merrimack river in Lawrence during the winter months.  This male diving duck is very distinctive in its plumage with white sides, black back, greenish head and red bill.  The female is more brownish overall and easy to tell apart from the male.  They tend to swim in small flocks and frequently gather near the area where the spicket river flows into the Merrimack across from Salvatore’s Restaurant.



This is the female Common Merganser.  They sit in the water just the same but again the plumage colors are quite different except for the long red bill.  These Mergansers are typically found together in floating groups.




Most unexpected on this early sunday morning was a visit from a Belted Kingfisher.  the Kingfisher tends to hang out near the edge of waterways always in the search of fresh food.  At first, the Kingfisher made a lot of its typical rattling type calls but from an unknown location.  Then it landed and perched on a nearby branch allowing for some beautiful views and photos!