Eagle Tribune article about Herons/Owls at Carter Fields

April 22, 2012 in Nearby Landbirds, Nearby Waterbirds

NORTH ANDOVER — The great blue heron, a slender and elegant water bird with a lavender hue and a long pointed beak, makes its nest in the tops of dead trees in wetlands.  Beavers build their lodges in ponds they have created in wooded areas. Like many things in nature, there is a connection between creatures in the wild.  Beaver ponds cause trees to drown, but the dead trees attract the great blue heron, which often return year after year. Over time, a beaver pond can attract more than 50 nests in a colony, called a rookery.  An example of this can be found in the large pond off Bradford Road at Carter Fields near the Boxford line…..

Link to full story:  http://www.eagletribune.com/latestnews/x1865824675/A-brighter-view-for-herons

Link to Great Horned Owl photos:  http://www.pbase.com/birdshots/lawrencebirds&page=5

Link to Great Blue Heron photos:  http://www.pbase.com/birdshots/lawrencebirds&page=6
