Bald Eagle chick in nest….solo
May 20, 2013 in Bald Eagle
According to the Birds of North America, during late nestling phase, the adult female provides about twice as much food as male; adults delivered food 2–8 times/day. Early-morning period from sunrise to mid-morning accounts for many of the daily visits to nest. Uneaten food from nestling often buried in nest under grass and moss rather than tossed out of the nest, perhaps to avoid attraction of mammalian predators to nest site. At end of nesting cycle, however, numerous prey remains can be retrieved from under nest. Nestlings usually defecate over side of nest, leaving a pungent spray of “whitewash” on shrubs and saplings in the understory.
5 photos posted of chick in nest: Click “next” in upper right to advance frames….enjoy!