Peregrines in feeding scrum: 3 fledge with one to go!
June 9, 2013 in Peregrines at 250 Canal St.
Sunday morning offered beautiful sunshie to watch the four Peregrines chicks. 3 of the 4 have fledged and they are all in high energy mode with lots of movement around the nearby rooftops. This team photo remided me of a rugby scrum as all 4 participated in a morning meal. The 4th eyas hopped and fluttered to catch up with others without needing to leave the nestbox roof. According to Birds of North America, within 10 d of first flight, young pursue adults to solicit food. Flight progresses from Butterfly-Flight (1–2 d after first flight) to Flutter-Glide (3–9 d) to Powered Flight (15–25 d). Butterfly-Flight appears to be weaker form of Flutter-Glide associated with in-complete development of flight feathers and pectoral muscles. Pursuits gradually become more sustained and range farther from nest. Adult pursuit is accompanied by begging vocalization. During first 2 wk of flight, young birds’ pursuit of parents takes precedence over most other activities. Young will even pursue parents during territorial defense.
8 morning photos posted including a clear shot of leg bands (11/BD): Click “next” upper right to advance frames….enjoy!!