Lawrence Peregrines: adult male, leg bands 6/4
August 29, 2017 in In the Nest Box
Under mostly cloudy skies, little wind, and temp around 60F, stopped by the Ayer Mill Clock Tower for a look at the Peregrine Falcons. The adult male, with black/green leg bands, was perched on the outside edge of the next box. Both individuals of a breeding pair may remain near the nesting site after breeding season. They tend to be more solitary in their behavior, but such pair behavior may be highly variable. In this location, prey is always available with an abundance of pigeons, mourning doves, and bluebirds.
The Ayer Mill Clock Tower rises above the restored mill building on South Union Street in Lawrence. The mill building is owned and operated by the New Balance company, the Boston based global athletic company. The tower is 267 feet tall at its peak.
New Balance is a significant contributor to the upkeep of the Clock Tower!