Great Horned Owl, female on nest!!

February 19, 2014 in Great Horned Owl

One of the many exciting signs of spring is finding a Great Horned Owl on nest.  These Owls are among the earliest nesting birds in our area.  They usually lay eggs somewhere around Feb. 14 and the normal incubation period is approximately 28-30 days.  The female  performs the incubation duties in all kinds of crazy weather!  She may even be found covered with snow as she is most determined to protect her eggs!  Stay tuned as we monitor this nest in the Great Blue Heron rookery near the Methuen Rail Trail in Methuen over the next many weeks!!

Great Horned Owl/owlets – Boxford/North Andover

April 16, 2012 in Nearby Landbirds

Returned to the Heron Rookery located on the West Boxford/North Andover town line on Saturday morning.  The weather was spectacular with bright sun, clear skies, warm temps, and a soft breeze.  On my prior visit, had a chance to locate the Great Horned Owl on nest in one of the white pines.  On Saturday, my hope was to view and possibly photograph the mother and the owlets.  With God’s grace, the morning was a blessing beyond description! 

At first, just the mother and one owlet appeared.  The mother then flew a few times in and out of the nest into nearby dense vegetation.  This provided opportunities for some nice flight images.  Then the second owlet appeared.  The mother then spent some time on a nearby perch.  She seemed to be searching and scanning for prey.  She then returned to her bambinos and they all nestled together.  That was my cue to leave them be and hit the gates!

For those with an interest, a series of photos are posted online for further viewing:         Click “next” in upper right corner to advance frames!

For specifics on the location, here is the link that provided full info as well as a trail map:

Carter Fields is located in an area with a significant base of conserved land owned by the town of North Andover, including the Mazurenko Farm (104 acres), Carter Hill (27 acres), and Barker Hill (55 acres). All of these parcels and Carter Fields are part of the Lake Cochichewick watershed, North Andover’s sole source of drinking water.