Peregrine Falcons: Woburn preening
November 1, 2017 in Peregrine Falcon Woburn, Peregrine Falcons Eastern Massachusetts
Had a nice visit to Woburn quarry this morning under sunny skies, calm wind conditions, and temps in high 30’s. Both adult peregrines were seen perched in regular locations on the quarry wall. Lots of time was dedicated to scratching, preening, and vocalizing. Peregrines say “ee-chup” when they are looking at another peregrine. They say it softly to their mates during ledge displays and more loudly when a new peregrine shows up. The new peregrine may be an intruder or a potential mate. It takes a lot of practice, listening and watching from the ground, to be able to tell whether an ee-chup means “Hello, my love” or “I see you, Intruder!” Unless you can see both peregrines having the conversation, don’t assume you know what ee-chup means. This morning, they were just expressing fondness towards each other!