Peregrine Falcon chicks: Haverhill!
May 25, 2016 in Peregrine Falcons Haverhill
Breaking bird news on May 21st from Steve Mirick in Haverhill: “very rewarding search today as we finally found the new location for the nest for the Peregrine Falcons in Haverhill. It’s been a bit frustrating since they moved to a totally different nest ledge. UNDERNEATH A LOCAL BRIDGE! We’ve been suspecting that they might be under a bridge, but when we FINALLY saw TWO birds this morning, we were convinced and decided to search hard. We patiently waited and moved all around to different angles to search underneath, as the adults moved around, occasionally disappearing from view under the bridge. But persistence finally paid off!
The nest ledge looks excellent for them. And there appears to be 4 chicks, but seeing them is VERY difficult. I imagine it will be easier as they grow bigger and they approach the edge of the bridge abutment. The nest is sandwiched in between some I-Beams on a shelf underneath the bridge, but can ONLY BE VIEWED WITH A SPOTTING SCOPE. Binoculars won’t work.”
Great work Steve and Jane!