Peregrine chicks in butterfly flight pattern
June 6, 2012 in Near the Clock Tower
What a thrill to watch two new Peregrine chicks running around and trying to get airborne! They both are hopping, skipping, and jumping while they enjoy their new found freedom finally away from the confines of the Clock Tower nest box. They also just enjoyed flapping their wings and spreading to their fullest extent possible. They were playful with one another and constantly in sight of at least one, if not both adults at all times. Many NB staffers are delighted to watch the chicks from outside. They have been kind enough to share lots of stories of watching the Peregrines in years gone by. They are far better than any organized Fledgewatch. They are able to observe and watch over the chicks from inside and outside the building and they do so with a high level of protective care. This may be the safest and most secure Peregrine falcon location in the United States with vigilant 24 hour security!
Ten additional photos posted: Click “next” in upper right to advance frames!
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