Bald Eagle to start the new year!

January 2, 2013 in Nearby Landbirds

On a chilly Wednesday morning going back to work in the New Year, stopped by the Merrimack River in Lawrence in search of bald eagles.  No such luck on previous outings, but now the weather was turning colder.  A cold front came through early yesterday afternoon in eastern Massachusetts, which helped create some stronger winds. Temperatures also began to fall, as some colder air from Canada will stay over the Northeast U.S. for the next few days.

To my very pleasant surprise, an adult Bald Eagle was psotted on the north side of the river perched on branch overlooking the Merrimack River.  It remained perched for awhile and then it was time to report for work.  What a wonderful start to the new year in the local birding world!  A few additional photos posted online:  Click “next” in upper right corner to advance frames!   Enjoy!

Pine Siskins

October 24, 2012 in Nearby Landbirds

The Pine Siskin is another irruptive bird species like the Red-breasted Nuthatch.  This siskin was in a small group of siskins in vegetation along the Merrimack River near the New Balance factory.

Pine Siskins are distributed across much of Canada and at higher elevations in the western portions of the United States. Periodically, they will irrupt into parts of the East and into areas of lower elevations in the West.  It is hypothesized that these irruptions occur due to variations in the bird’s food supply on their wintering grounds. When Pine Siskins irrupt into the southern ranges of the map above, food abundance in their typical wintering grounds may be low. You can read a very interesting report on the “Biennial Irruptions of Pine Siskins Across North America” at the Audubon website.

Here is the link:

3 Photos posted:

Bald Eagle, first year juvenile

October 11, 2012 in Nearby Landbirds

An unexpected treat to gaze skyward near the Clock Tower just after Columbus Day and to see a first year juvenile Bald Eagle.  Bald Eagles require careful observations in order to properly determine their age.  After consulting with local hawk expert, Paul Roberts, it was clear this was very likely a first year juvenile.  Field marks of note included:  dark head; chocolate brown breast; white axillaries & white coverts; smooth trailing edge to to the wings, not ragged; innermost primaries, pale tips and translucent; mottled brown and white tail; absence of white belly; wedge-shaped tail.

More photos posted online at :  Click “next” in upper right to advance frames!

Eastern Kingbird

June 28, 2012 in Nearby Landbirds

How can you resist a glance at a beauty like this Eastern Kingbird while perched in a truck lot on Merrimack St. in Lawrence!

American Kestrel, female

June 22, 2012 in Nearby Landbirds

Just another image of the female American Kestrel perched near the nest!

Kestrels with prey

June 15, 2012 in Nearby Landbirds

Quite a show one morning with the male Kestrel returning to the nest hole opening with prey in bill.  Unable to tell exactly what the male had in tow.  Male Kestrel approached the nest opening and was greeted by the feamle.  The had some type of exchange and then the male departed for a nearby perch to enjoy the meal himself!

Photos posted:  Click “next” in upper right to advance frames!


Cedar Waxwing

June 14, 2012 in Nearby Landbirds

This Cedar Waxwing was discovered as a total surprise while driving south on Rt 114 in Lawrence on the bridge over the Merrimack while entering South Lawrence.  A short glace to the left before the stoplight, at an apple tree, showed a bird that caught my attention.  WOW, a Cedar Waxwing!  Waxwings that breed here arrive in late May or early June.  Waxwings are known to be late nesters, often not beginning to nest until midsummer!

More photos posted online:   Click “next” in upper right to advance frames!

Eastern Kingbird on nest at Duck Bridge!

June 14, 2012 in Nearby Landbirds

What a surprise to discover a Kingbird nest one morning while scanning for Peregrine Falcons over the Merrimack River.  The Duck bridge provides a terrific platform to scan up and won river for bird life and other creatures.  While keeping one eye open for fast moving bike riders, another eye is looking for bird life.  Lo and behold, a nest is noticed.  Further observation reveals a female Kingbird incubating eggs.  The female typically does most of the incubating with the male Kingbird ever-watchful and perched nearby to warn off unwelcome intruders!

A few more photos posted online:   Click “next” in upper right to advance frames!

American Kestrel, female

June 12, 2012 in Nearby Landbirds

Female Kestrel perched on phone wire late afternoon outside of nest box.

Northern Flicker

June 11, 2012 in Nearby Landbirds

Northern Flickers nest in cavities that they excavate in live or dead trees, stumps, or posts.  Parents take turns incubating eggs.  This young flicker is scanning tht nearby surroundings!