Peregrine Falcon: Woburn female on pole

December 8, 2016 in Peregrine Falcon Woburn

_w7i1841-001Made a pass by the Woburn Peregrines this morning under cloudy and overcast conditions as the morning temperatures have been in high 20’s and low 30’s.  This morning had light winds from the southwest.  The new female was perched on one of the utility poles, in this case, the pole with the double set of two cross bars.  It was squawking quite a bit and then flew off to the quarry wall and landed in the nest used by the ravens early last breeding season!


Lawrence Peregrine: weathervane perch!

December 7, 2016 in On the Clock Tower

_w7i1754-001A very dark and overcast morning in Lawrence!  After a diligent search, discovered one of the adult peregrines perched atop the weathervane.  It remained on perch for over twenty minutes with a constant turning of the head to watch all movement below.

Common Goldeneyes in flight

December 6, 2016 in Nearby Waterbirds

_w7i1606-001The wintering ducks are being seen in larger numbers on the Merrimack River in Lawrence and North Andover.  Among the ducks are Hooded Mergansers, Red-breasted Mergansers, and Common Goldeneyes.  Always a treat to watch and photograph the Common Goldeneyes in flight!

Peregrine Falcon: Woburn male

December 6, 2016 in Peregrine Falcon Woburn

_w7i1593-001A sparkling sunny morning with amazing blue skies….the male peregrine falcon on one of his regular perch locations just to the west of the nest ledge, basking in the morning sun; no sign of the female nearby!

Peregrine falcon: Woburn pair

December 3, 2016 in Peregrine Falcon Woburn

_w7i1227-001Made a short visit to visit the Woburn Peregrines in early afternoon under partly sunny skies and very windy conditions with huge wind gusts at 30+ MPH.  Temps in mid-forties.  Upon arrival found the male peregrine perched to the west of the nest ledge in one of the regular locations.  Heard the gentle soft call of the female, but at first unable to locate her.  Finally found her just to east of the male at almost the same height.  She called quite a few times, but softly and quietly.  Watched her a bit while preening and keeping an eye on her surroundings!


Lawrence Peregrine: taking flight!

December 1, 2016 in On the Clock Tower

After no sightings earlier in the week, discovered the male peregrine falcon_w7i9328-001 in the middle of a morning snack on a ledge above the east facing clock face this morning under bright sun and very blue skies!  Upon completion of the snack, it launched into flight off to the south, made a big loop and landed on the rear strut of the NW facing weathervane!